Eventifiti | Christian Events Social Sharing Platform
Eventifiti is an audience building and advertising solution across mobile and desktop environments for all Christian gospel and family events in and around Kenya. Several social sharing options are offered by the Eventifiti team to make your event successful!
Through Eventifiti you can be able to reach many clients beyond facebook, reach over to
twitter, linkedIn, blogger and even go mobile to WhatsApp..
How it works:
1. Send an image/graphic, a description, Location, Venue, Date and Time of your Event to Eventifiti.
2. Wait for a confirmation Email.
3. Pay using the Lipa na Mpesa till number(they will make that available in the confirmation email) and send them the transaction number. They will email back your placement and the link of your event.
4. That's it. Create a buzz about your event by sharing it with all your friends.
If you have an event, please send the details to eventifiti@gmail.com or info@eventifiti.co.ke including the event banner/flyer.
Advertising Rates:
The cost to list an event on Eventifiti is only Kshs. 99/- per event, per day (two weeks minimum) (99x7x2=1386).
In other words, you can list your event for a full month for only Kshs. 2970!
Your listing includes up to 85 words of text and a link to your web site (if desired) or fb page/event.
Optional charges: The cost to add a photo or a flyer to your listing is Kshs. 1800 for either or Kshs. 2700 for both.
This is a one-time charge and it lasts for the duration of your run.
Therefore post+flyer for 2 weeks=1386+1800=3186/-
To submit your event send an email to eventifiti@gmail.com or info@eventifiti.co.ke or call +254 720 868 162/0750 44 28 24.
To contact Eventifiti using their online form, click HERE.
Eventifiti on social media
Eventifiti is an audience building and advertising solution across mobile and desktop environments for all Christian gospel and family events in and around Kenya. Several social sharing options are offered by the Eventifiti team to make your event successful!
Through Eventifiti you can be able to reach many clients beyond facebook, reach over to
twitter, linkedIn, blogger and even go mobile to WhatsApp..
How it works:
1. Send an image/graphic, a description, Location, Venue, Date and Time of your Event to Eventifiti.
2. Wait for a confirmation Email.
3. Pay using the Lipa na Mpesa till number(they will make that available in the confirmation email) and send them the transaction number. They will email back your placement and the link of your event.
4. That's it. Create a buzz about your event by sharing it with all your friends.
If you have an event, please send the details to eventifiti@gmail.com or info@eventifiti.co.ke including the event banner/flyer.
Advertising Rates:
The cost to list an event on Eventifiti is only Kshs. 99/- per event, per day (two weeks minimum) (99x7x2=1386).
In other words, you can list your event for a full month for only Kshs. 2970!
Your listing includes up to 85 words of text and a link to your web site (if desired) or fb page/event.
Optional charges: The cost to add a photo or a flyer to your listing is Kshs. 1800 for either or Kshs. 2700 for both.
This is a one-time charge and it lasts for the duration of your run.
Therefore post+flyer for 2 weeks=1386+1800=3186/-
To submit your event send an email to eventifiti@gmail.com or info@eventifiti.co.ke or call +254 720 868 162/0750 44 28 24.
To contact Eventifiti using their online form, click HERE.
Eventifiti on social media